Lorcan Malone from Blackrock in Co. Louth. became hot property overnight when he was chosen as one of the subjects of MTV's Super Sweet Sixteen series.

Lorcans dad Paddy Malone lashed out at the producers for constantly asking him to write blank cheques for the bash. "If they had their way I would be still writing cheques - they were very pushy (MTV). Lorcan is a cool kind of guy but they really tried to wind him up about the party." Paddy also admitted the crew put pressure on him to buy a new car for his son so it would look good on the show. He added: "I got out of it because Lorcan is only 16 and cannot legally drive until he's 17." Lorcan invited more than 500 people to his bash and insisted everyone wear white - apart from him as he dressed in blue to stand out from the crowd!!!

It is believed the boy received a EUR10,000 watch as a gift from his parents. However, the Shopping Centre which hosted his “invitation ceremony” supposedly paid his family a couple of grand to stage it there!! AND, MTV footed the bill for the party in Silence Night Club and for the appearance fee for Cascada. So, how much did the family actually fork out for the event? Do MTV pay for all the SSS parties? Hey, is it worth looking like a complete dork just to throw that kind of a bash?? And what about the aftermath?
CASCADA (a) Video (b)performing at Lorcans Party in Dundalk
Despite the huge hype surrounding the event, there has been a website backlash against Lorcan Malone and the party. Lorcan was forced to make his Bebo page private as it became the target of nasty threats.
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