STEP 1. How to Act Like a Celebrity
Get out of the house and be seen! Go to all the popular parties. Surround yourself with only pretty people. Well, maybe one ugly person so you don't look too conceited, but all your friends MUST be fashionable or else they will be lynched. Important(a) Buy some oversize sunglasses.

Get a close group of friends that you really like and invite them to come with you, you don't want to be a loner! Have your friends follow you about, like the Harajuku girls and Gwen Stefani.

Dress like a celebrity but add your own twist! You don't want to look exactly like someone else! Find your own niche.

Get glittery! You probably can't afford diamond jewelry, so buy fake diamonds; they look just as good and it isn't as bad when you lose them while dancing.

Do something A-list to your hair! Curl your hair or put it in a half pony... don't straighten it, this just makes your hair look dry.

Get good arm candy. That means a designer (eBay) handbag and maybe a cute guy. But you don't have to have a guy to make you look good.

Cause some drama! Don't be afraid to say something to someone as long as its the truth! Don't be too goody-goody or you'll end up on the d-list quick. Causing drama is great to make yourself more known.

Two words. Red Lipstick. If you want instant glamour, put it on and shine! It makes your teeth look whiter!!

Consult your friends for everything... don't leave them out!
Don't be afraid to stand out... Paris Hilton once said life is too short to blend in, and she's right, get noticed. Do some karaoke or start a dance!
Practice your pout in the mirror. Think Angelina Jolie!
Try having a cute catchphrase. Don't say, "That's hot!", because it's not hot, it's SOOOOO 2004. Try, "That's golden!" and "Ah-mazing!". Try saying something cute like that.
Black-tint your car windows.

Make a "demands" list for your parents like Jennifer Lopez. e.g- must have pillows fluffed; it'll probably get you no where with them but it's a lot of fun!
Practice your autograph all the time.

Smile all the time! Be happy and make everyone think your life is perfect, even though nothing can technically be "perfect."
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