OMG! It's nearly Valentines Day
Who says you need to have a boyfriend to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Anyways, Valentine cards produce brain-rotting verses like "roses are red....." Plus it makes guys do really geeky things like light candles and stuff! Valentine Schmalentine!! So as you start to panic over the next few days about not having any juicy plans with your crush, take a deep breath and think about all the other awesome ways you can celebrate!
1. Round up your favorite single gal pals and throw an impromptu rockin’ V Day bash! Have each of your girlfriends invite one guy to the party who they think is great but just isn’t right for them. Maybe one of you will get lucky and find the man of your dreams!

2. Sassy Singles: You and your friends are single — and you like it that way! Have a fun night in. Enjoy being single. Invite your gal pals over for a night of laughs and pampering. Grab a handful of Chick Flicks at the video store, and put out some favorite comfort foods, including chocolate
3.GAMESBoy Bash: Angry at your exes? Take out your aggression on a piñata. Get a heart-shaped piñata at a party store and glue on pictures of your exes. Fill it up with your favorite sweets and start whacking!

And Hey! being single rocks! We have come up with a list of things that rule about being a “me” rather than an “we”:
1. you don’t have to spend your weekends in a constant state of compromise,
girl/guys night out is always a guilt-free pleasure.
2. when the TV is on you watch what you want when you want to,
never do you ever have to sit through a movie that either bores you to tears or insults your intelligence.
3. when you decide to hang with your friends at the last minute there is nobody you have to explain yourself to.
4. you don’t need to spend even one second of your precious time with people you find obnoxious (a.k.a. your steady’s friends).
5. you can engage in risk-free harmless flirtations, checking out the hottie across the room won’t get you in any trouble.
6. when you put your needs first (be they selfish or not) there isn’t a mandatory follow-up discussion.
7. AND....you get to leave the toilet seat just the way YOU like it.
So rather than give in to the hype, reject the lovey-dovey rhetoric and bask in the many glorious things that single life has to offer. And Remember STUPID CUPID!

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